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Is Whiplash Pain Only in Your Neck?

Written By Cy-Fair HealthCare Associates on July 8, 2023

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Whiplash is an injury that affects the delicate structures of the cervical spine and the neck. The most common symptom of whiplash is neck pain, but a whiplash injury can cause many other symptoms, and not all of them occur in the neck or cervical spine. Cy-Fair HealthCare Associates can provide a diagnosis of whiplash and develop a plan for whiplash treatment in Houston, TX

How Whiplash Occurs

A whiplash injury can occur when the head is moved forcefully up and down, or from side to side. The rapid motion can cause muscle sprain or strain, bruising, soft tissue damage, and injury to the vertebrae, discs, ligaments, muscles, nerves, and tissues in the neck. Whiplash injuries are most often caused by car accidents; however, you can also develop whiplash after a sports injury, traumatic fall, physical abuse or assault, or an amusement park ride. 

Most Common Whiplash Symptoms

The most common whiplash symptom is neck pain and tenderness. Whiplash injuries also cause the neck to stiffen and become almost immobile. You might lose range of motion in your neck, and the pain might worsen when you try to move your head or neck. A chiropractor can evaluate your symptoms and confirm they are due to a whiplash injury. Then he or she can design a customized whiplash treatment plan to address the underlying cause of your symptoms and offer relief so you can get back to the activities you enjoy.

Referred Pain & Less Common Symptoms

In addition to neck pain, you might also experience referred pain due to a whiplash injury. Referred pain is pain that occurs or travels to another part of the body that wasn’t directly injured. You might experience pain in your upper back, shoulders, arms, and hands. You also might develop frequent headaches or migraines. Other less common symptoms of whiplash include dizziness, fatigue, blurred vision, tinnitus, insomnia, irritability, memory, concentration issues, and depression.

Begin Whiplash Treatment in Houston, TX

Don’t let whiplash symptoms take over your life and keep you from activities you enjoy. Call us at Cy-Fair HealthCare Associates for fast, effective, and safe whiplash treatment in Houston, TX. We specialize in auto injury treatment and rehabilitation through chiropractic care and regenerative medicine. Call us today or fill out our online contact form.


Posted In: Whiplash Treatment