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Spinal Decompression: Pain Relief for Herniated Discs and Arthritis?

Written By Cy-Fair HealthCare Associates on May 20, 2020

rsz spinaldecompressionTwo of the most debilitating conditions you can experience are herniated discs and arthritis of the spine. 

Today, you’ll learn why these conditions cause so much pain. You’ll also learn why your Houston chiropractor recommends spinal decompression therapy to treat them. 

Why Spinal Arthritis and Herniated Discs Are So Painful 

Arthritis of the spine is inflammation of spinal joints. The inflammation puts pressure on the nerves, irritating them and causing pain. Inflammation also leads to stiffness, severely reducing flexibility. If nothing is done, your symptoms will progressively worsen. 

Herniated discs occur when there’s a tear or rupture in a disc and the gelatinous center starts to protrude. It’s extremely painful when the gel-like nucleus touches the nerves. Because the pain is so intense, it can lead to muscle tension throughout the body, as well as a reduced range of motion. 

How Spinal Decompression in Houston Relieves Disc and Joint Pain

Non-surgical spinal decompression utilizes a mechanized traction table. You lay on the table, fully clothed. A harness is placed around your hips and secured to the end of the table. Very gently, the bottom of the table moves back and forth. 

When the table moves, it stretches the spine, taking pressure off the discs and joints. The result includes: 

  • Less pain
  • Reduced muscle tension
  • Better circulation of cerebrospinal fluid and oxygen

Spinal decompression is a safe, effective, non-invasive, pain-free treatment that reduces the need for surgery or at least helps you put it off for a while. 

Why Your Chiropractors Also Recommend Lifestyle Changes

When you visit Cy-Fair HealthCare Associates, both Dr. A. Kent Rice, DC and Dr. Sergio Wong, DC will recommend a variety of treatments in addition to spinal decompression to reduce pain. One likely recommendation will be lifestyle changes, like daily exercises and stretches, as well as ergonomic improvements

All of these changes take just a few minutes out of your day, yet they have a compounded effect that can result in less pain and improved health now and into the future. 

Are you tired of pain from herniated discs or arthritis? We can help! Contact us right away at 281-955-9946.

Posted In: Chiropractic Back Pain Treatment Herniated Disc Treatment Arthritis Treatment Spinal Decompression