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Get the Facts About Natural Pain Relief for Sciatica with Chiropractic Care

Written By Cy-Fair HealthCare Associates on October 27, 2021

Sciatica Treatment Cy-Fair HealthCare Associates

Lower back pain affects approximately 80% of adults at some point in their lives, and sciatica is one of the most common forms of lower back pain encountered by chiropractors. This condition can cause severe, chronic pain that can impact mobility, interfere with sleep, and cause an overall decline in quality of life. 

If you’re dealing with sciatica and are frustrated with the idea of reaching for pain medications to get through the day, then the natural pain relief of chiropractic care could be right for you. The chiropractors at Cy-Fair HealthCare Associates offer powerful, effective treatments for sciatica that are all natural, noninvasive, and address the cause of the problem rather than just masking the symptoms. 

Sciatica 101

Sciatica is a type of lower back pain that begins in the lower spine and radiates through the buttocks and down the leg. It is caused by inflammation of the sciatic nerve, usually as the result of compression of the nerve by a herniated disc, bone spur, or narrowing of the spinal column. Although the sciatic nerve runs down both legs, sciatica typically only affects one side of the body at a time. 

Pain associated with sciatica can be sharp or throbbing. Some people describe it as feeling like an electrical shock. It can also cause muscle weakness, numbness, and in severe cases, it can even lead to loss of bowel or bladder control. 

Chiropractic Care for Sciatica

Many patients find chiropractic care extremely effective in combating sciatica. Through spinal adjustments, chiropractors can remove the compression from the sciatic nerve, which allows the inflammation to go down and the pain to stop. Often, patients get relief in a single treatment, though multiple treatments are usually recommended. 

One of the biggest advantages of getting chiropractic care for sciatica is that it actually addresses the cause of the pain, instead of just masking the symptoms. It is a completely natural remedy, so there are no concerns about long-term use of pain medications and the associated side effects. 

Natural Sciatica Treatment Is Here

Cy-Fair HealthCare Associates proudly offers effective chiropractic care for sciatica and a wide range of other conditions. Don’t let chronic pain stand in the way of doing the things you love. 

Call us today to make an appointment for chiropractic care for sciatica in Houston by dialing (281) 955-9946, or contact us for more information using our online form

Posted In: Chiropractic Back Pain Treatment Sciatica Treatment